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A Supercourse in Epidemiology

Epidemiology is the cornerstone of Community Medicine where the disease distribution and its determinants in a specified population-time paradigm are studied to identify the priorities in public health. Having an understanding of various concepts of epidemiology is one thing, and ability to deliver the message across is another thing. This resourceful website helps to bridge this gap.

Produced at the WHO Collaborating Center, University of Pittsburgh, Supercourse Epidemiology has a noble aim of sharing the wisdom of the scientists and faculty of Public Health from across the world, thus creating a "library of lectures". Once we stumble upon this site, it is difficult not to get back to it time and again. 

It is always useful to just browse through the site following the menu on the right side, "Topic Index" or "Keyword Index" will be a good beginning. One can use this resource for a lot of purposes. Say, before attending a introductory workshop on meta-analysis, one can just browse through some of the quality presentations on meta-analysis here, to get an overview of what to expect from the workshop. Say, you need to prepare for a seminar on Hypothesis Testing (in Bio-statistics), the Supercourse helps one to know how other faculty members teach the same topic elsewhere in the world, and take cues from them. 

For an offline and classroom access, the entire site can be downloaded and used on a DVD.

Remember, the aim of Supercourse is to facilitate better teaching and understanding of Epidemiology with an Open Source philosophy. 


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